
Showing posts with the label New 52

Smooches - Worlds' Finest #11

Putting it Together Worlds' Finest #11 Cover Date: June 2013 Released: 3rd April 2013 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  Ken Lashley / Barry Kitson / Robson Rocha ⋅  Inker:  Ken Lashley / Barry Kitson / Wayne Faucher ⋅ Colourists:  Matt Yackey / Hi-Fi Design ⋅ Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual ⋅ Editors:   Anthony Marques / Mike Cotton / Eddie Berganza Continued from  Worlds' Finest #10 . We start by picking up on Huntress following up on the Apocalypse Weapon Pee Gee picked up on her African adventures, investigating a weapon's warehouse in Mali. She kidnaps one of those involved in the arms trade tying him up and apparently interrogating him, though we don't see any of that. Apparently, some of that stolen Wayne money has ended up here, because now we're putting all the storylines together. Kara however is in her civilian identity as Karen Starr attending a business conference in Las Vegas, along with her long-suffering assistant Somy...

A whole lot of shaking! - Worlds' Finest #10

Some Things You Can Change, Some You Can't... Worlds' Finest #10 Cover Date: May 2013 Released: 6th March 2013 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  Kevin Maguire ⋅  Inker:  Kevin Maguire ⋅ Colourists:  Rosemary Cheetham ⋅ Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual ⋅ Editors:   Anthony Marques / Mike Cotton / Eddie Berganza Continued from  Worlds' Finest #9 We start with Helena investigating Michael Holt, aka Mr. Terrefic, Pee Gee is investigating one of his Silicon Valley laboratories by tunneling underneath the ground and setting up a mini earthquake. It's funny to me as I've been reading old Supergirl comics and when she was still a secret she was always tunneling underground! Being a little irked at the raid on her island she is also here to cause a lot of property damage. Kara may have been a little too keen on the Earthquake as it causes an earthquake and fissure in the nearby area. Despite the desire to cause damage, she's still a hero at heart s...

The Raid - Worlds' Finest #9

Raid Worlds' Finest #9 Cover Date: April 2013 Released: 6th February 2013 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  George Pérez / Carlos Urbano / Yildiray Cinar ⋅  Inker:  George Pérez / Carlos Urbano / Yildiray Cinar /               Phil Jimenez ⋅ Colourists:  Hi-Fi Design ⋅ Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual ⋅ Editors:   Anthony Marques / Mike Cotton / Eddie Berganza Continued from Worlds' Finest #8 . This episode is about a raid on Starr Island, it's not really more complicated than that. Though that doesn't make it a bad comic. We literally start with our high-tech raiders breaking into Kara's island offices. Still recovering is Helana who straight away suits up to stop the attack, whilst one of her arms is still in a cast. She has some success with the raiders, taking one down straight away before hiding from their hi-tech rifles. We also get Somya, Kara's long-suffering assistant, showing up and also defend ...

Girl Power! - Worlds' Finest #8

Hunt and Be Hunted Worlds' Finest #8 Cover Date: March 2013 Released: 9th January 2013 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  George Pérez / Carlos Urbano / Cliff Richards ⋅  Inker:  George Pérez / Carlos Urbano / Cliff Richards ⋅ Colourists:  Hi-Fi Design / Rosemary Cheetham ⋅ Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual ⋅ Editors:   Wil Moss Continued from  Worlds' Finest #7 . This is another two-headed issue, with half the story being about Helena and half about Kara, though the stories are linked together into a single narrative. Basically, someone has put a bounty on Huntresses, due to issues in her previous solo title, being the '10 it's also very based around a "rouge" Middle Eastern nation, this time the fictional country of Kufra. It's not the most egregious of depictions, but it's still a product of its time. And boy do I feel old talking about the 2010s being something to look back upon! We start with Huntress in New York being attacked by two a...

A Sister and Bro' reunion - Worlds' Finest #7

Family Matters, part 2 Worlds' Finest #7 Cover Date: February 2013 Released: 5th December 2012 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  Kevin Maguire / George Pérez ⋅  Inker:  Kevin Maguire / Sandra Hope / George Pérez ⋅ Colourists:  Rosemary Cheetham / Hi-Fi Design ⋅ Letterer:   Dezi Sienty ⋅ Editors:   Wil Moss Continued from  Worlds' Finest #6 . As we in the real world meet a new Helena (In Goldern Age #1), I get to read the last one meeting our current Damian (how he remembers all this, what with hypertime and all is a question for you good reader). The conversation happened off screen and then we start with Pee Gee taking the two Waynes to investigate two sites where the possible transfers were coming from. We cut between Robin and Huntress's investigation of one site in snowy, possibly European climes, whiles Pee Gee goes off to, in an inversion of the normal a named African country (The Republic of the Congo). Even though the Congo is t...

Fix Satellites and Kick Ass - Worlds Finest #6

Family Matters Worlds' Finest #6 Cover Date: Janurary 2013 Released: 7th November 2012 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  Kevin Maguire / George Pérez ⋅  Inker:  Kevin Maguire / Sandra Hope ⋅ Colourists:  Rosemary Cheetham / Hi-Fi Design ⋅ Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual ⋅ Editors:   Wil Moss Continued from  Worlds' Finest #5 . If you've been following me for a whilst, first thank you, but you'll know that I'm generally not a fan of overly fighty issues. Not only do I find the combats boring, however well they're drawn, but they're also really difficult to spin out into anything interesting to blog. This one, or half the issue at least, is mostly fighting but it works (for me) is because the fight is personal and has some personal history (for half of the fighters at least). Helena is in GOtham to top up the cash she needs from her not!father (Bruce Wayne), when she's interrupted by Daimen Wayne (Robin) who's been noticing money going miss...

Two stories and a plot! - Worlds' Finest #5

  Three Midnights, Far From Home Worlds' Finest #5 Cover Date: December 2012 Released: 3rd October 2012 ⋅ Writers:  Paul Levitz ⋅ Pencilers:  George Pérez / Jerry Ordway / Wes Craig ⋅  Inker:  Scott Koblish / José Luis García-López /               Serge LaPointe ⋅ Colourists:  Hi-Fi Design ⋅ Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual ⋅ Editors:   Wil Moss Continued from  Worlds' Finest #0 . We're back to Worlds' Finest in time for what amounts to a filler episode, not that it's not a problem; it's actually a nice change of pace from the continuity-heavy comics I've been neck-deep in recently. The story is told in two parts, one for Pee Gee, and the other for Huntress. First, we get a setup story with Pee Gee testing the limits of her powers on this Earth, implying the previous encounter with the radioactive villain might have had some effect on her.  We also get gratuitous costume destruction, one of two...

Deus ex Tanya! - Teen Titans #14

  Aftermath Teen Titans #14 Cover Date: Februrary 2016 Released: 2nd December 2015 ⋅ Writers:  Will Pfeifer ⋅ Pencilers:  Noel Rodriguez / Scott McDaniel ⋅  Inker:  Art Thibert / Johnny Desjardins / Paolo Pantalena ⋅ Colourists:  Tony Aviña ⋅ Letterer:   Corey Breen ⋅ Editors:   Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Paul Kaminski Continued from  Teen Titans #13 Luckily the cover is a big fat lie and the issue isn't about more division among the Titans, really it's quite the opposite! We start with the team being escorted out of the prison by The Alpha Centurion and guards, as Red Robin gives us a quick update on roughly what happened. This sounds like a fairly argued intro so its ended with a bit of old-fashioned police brutality, just in case we might have any feelings that Alpha Centurian's side is roughly right! It would be a short issue if the team was just shipped off to jail, so the convoy of vehicles is attacked by some character, appa...

Tanya cuts loose! - Teen Titans #13

Rogue Targets, Part 5 Teen Titans #13 Cover Date: January 2016 Released: 11th November 2015 ⋅ Writers:  Will Pfeifer ⋅ Pencilers:  Ricken / Paolo Pantalena / Noel Rodriguez                            Scott McDaniel ⋅  Inker:  Trevor Scott / Johnny Desjardins / Paolo Pantalena ⋅ Colourists:  Tony Aviña ⋅ Editors:   Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Paul Kaminski Continued from  Teen Titans #12 So half the issue is the good stuff, yes for once this is a Power Girl issue, but first, we need to clean up all the loose ends. It split over the issue but we'll clump everything together just for the ease of things. First is the prison break, though as we learn later on it's not actually a prison break at all just Dr. Psycho taking advantage of the situation to get free. First, he takes down Barricade by reprogramming his purple bricks, then he shuts down Changeling's shapeshifting ma...

Prisons Real and Imagined - Teen Titans #11 & 12

Rogue Targets, Part 3 Teen Titans #11 Cover Date: October 2015 Released: 26th August 2015 ⋅ Writers:  Will Pfeifer  ⋅   ⋅ Pencilers / Inker:  Ricken  ⋅  ⋅ Colourists:  Daniel Brown  ⋅  ⋅ Letterers:  John J. Hill  ⋅ ⋅ Editors:  Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Paul Kaminski  ⋅ Continued from  Teen Titans #10. This is not a Power Girl story! Yeah, yeah I know running joke and all, but Tanya is in only two panels and as of right now she's on the side of the "bad guys" neither she nor Cassie gets any real screen time. The heart of the story is that of the Teen Titans trying to find out who was really responsible for the massacre, and potentially prove Superboy innocent, so they break into the MAW prison. Robin thinks it's Despero and we get a cool full-page splash of the three-eyed one! Breaking into the prison, however, involves turning off the power dampeners so a full prison riot breaks out and half the Titans hav...

Futile Face Off - Teen Titans #10

Rogue Targets, Part 2 Teen Titans #10 Cover Date: September 2015 Released: 22nd July 2015 ⋅ Writers:  Will Pfeifer  ⋅   ⋅ Pencilers:  Felipe Watanabe  ⋅  ⋅ Inker:  Trevor Scott  ⋅  ⋅ Colourists:  Daniel Brown  ⋅  ⋅ Letterers:  John J. Hill  ⋅ ⋅ Editors:  Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Paul Kaminski  ⋅ Continued from  Teen Titans #9 With the Elite and the Titans staring each other down the Elite, or Cassie at least tries something unusual - she tries to solve everything peacefully! Bart, Kid Flash, still has major beef with the Titans so he goes off half-cocked and our expected fight breaks out. Or at least it tries before Gar turns into a hippo and literally sits on Kid Flash whilst he calms down. Again Cassie tries to talk things out, but when she touches Conner she's flung backward by a Kryptonians who isn't keen right now on the whole touching thing! Then he fights some of the other Elite, the ones...

Superboy vs The Elite - Teen Titan #9

Rogue Targets, Part 1 Teen Titans #9 Cover Date: August 2015 Released: 24th June 2015 ⋅ Writers: Will Pfeifer ⋅   ⋅ Pencilers / Inker: Kenneth Rocafort ⋅  ⋅ Colourists: Daniel Brown  ⋅  ⋅ Letterers: John J. Hill ⋅ ⋅ Editors: Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Paul Kaminski ⋅ Continued from Teen Titans Annual #1. Our Titans, after the events of the Annual, are "hiding" out in Chicago. Superboy is flying around whilst Ruth and Robin discuss about Conner's state of mind and give us a quick and dirty rundown of what happened.  Meanwhile BUnker, Raven, and Beast Boy are wandering the streets, trying to be incognito which lasts about five minutes before Raven, of all people get spotted as a member of the Titans. It probably doesn't helpGar is chatting away, even if he's disgusted (to start) as a parrot. This is also where we're reminded of Raven's connection with that band, which isn't bought up again as we get into the plot. We get a quick cut to STAR Labs...

Superboy Returns! (Again) - Teen Titans Annual #1

The Source Of Mercy Teen Titans Annual Cover Date:  June 2015 Released:  1st April 2015 ⋅ Writers:   Tom King / Will Pfeifer  ⋅  ⋅ Pencilers:  Alisson Borges / Wes St. Claire  ⋅  ⋅ Inkers:  Alisson Borges / Wayne Faucher   ⋅     ⋅ Colourists:  Matt Yackey  ⋅  ⋅ Letterers:  John J. Hill   ⋅ ⋅  Editors:  Rickey Purdin / Mike Cotton / Eddie Berganza  ⋅ Continued from  Teen Titans #8 . As I've stated many times before I sometimes wished I'd planned this blog with these coincidences before I started. Because as Infinite Crisis has the death of Conner Kent, Superboy, this annual brings him back or at least to the New 52 universe. They even came out in the same month, even if they were around nine years apart. Now I know it's not perfect, this isn't even the real first return of Superboy to the New 52, just the first time that this version of the Titan's. We start with...

Flashbacks - Worlds' Finest #0

Beginnings Worlds' Finest #0 Cover Date:  November 2012 Released:  5th September 2012 ⋅ Writers:   Paul Levitz  ⋅ Pencilers:  Kevin Maguire   ⋅     ⋅   Inkers:  Wes Craig  ⋅  Colourists:  Rosemary Cheetham  ⋅ ⋅  Letterers:  Carlos M. Mangual   ⋅  Editors:  Wil Moss  ⋅  When the universe was rebooted into the New 52 it was decided that they wouldn't start with origin stories, instead starting with the heroes being already established. That was carried on to the second wave of launches including Earth 2 and Worlds' Finest, though the later cheated by flashing back to tell how they got to Earth Prime. Earth 2 only extends to a one panel cameo, we'll get to those before the end of the year, so let's look At Worlds' Finest #0. We start off with Helena going out on her first patrol, saving the traditional damsel from a couple of thugs, who as the woman names herself as Robin from Robin H...

Let them fight! - Worlds' Finest #4

 Rebirth, part IV Worlds' Finest #4 Cover Date:  October 2012 Released:  1st August 2012 ⋅ Writers:   Paul Levitz  ⋅ Pencilers:  George Pérez / Kevin Maguire  ⋅ ⋅  Inkers:  Scott Koblish / Kevin Maguire  ⋅ ⋅  Colourists:  Hi-Fi Design / Rosemary Cheetham  ⋅ ⋅  Letterers:  Carlos M. Mangual   ⋅  Editors:  Wil Moss  ⋅  Continued from  Rebirth, part III . We start with the two going out to Tokyo bay, discussing possible Darkseid influence - something that Kara seems to be obsessed with. With the now kaiju villain attacking ships the two split up, with Huntress helping to rescue sailors in the water whilst Power Girl starts by stopping an oil leak from a tanker. Trying to lift it causes it to break, so she resorts to using her laser eyes to burn away the oil. We then flashback to their meetup in Rome, set up in last issue's London visit. Kara has her plan to get experts to work for ...

Kaiju Conflict - Worlds' Finest #3

Rebirth, part III Worlds' Finest #3 Cover Date:  September 2012 Released:  4th July 2012 ⋅ Writers:   Paul Levitz  ⋅ Pencilers:  George Pérez / Kevin Maguire  ⋅ ⋅  Inkers:  Scott Koblish / Kevin Maguire  ⋅ ⋅  Colourists:  Hi-Fi Design / Rosemary Cheetham  ⋅ ⋅  Letterers:  Carlos M. Mangual   ⋅  Editors:  Wil Moss  ⋅  Continued from Rebirth, part II .  We picked up from part 2 with Huntress having to protect Power Girl from the nuclear creature, using her athletics and crossbow to dodge around until Kara has recovered enough to grab the villain. Huntress then puts a crossbow bolt into the cooling pipes dumping radioactive water on top of them. Power Girl then does what all good Kryptonians do and yeets him away from the nuclear reactor. We also have some really good banter between the two characters, mostly about how invulnerable Power Girl is to just about everything. We then get ano...

Dysprosium Knowledge here! - Worlds' Finest #2

A Deadly Threat From Earth 2? Worlds' Finest #1 Cover Date:  August 2012 Released:  6th June 2012 ⋅ Writers:   Paul Levitz  ⋅ Pencilers:  George Pérez /  ⋅  Kevin Maguire   ⋅   Inkers:  Scott Koblish / Kevin Maguire  ⋅   ⋅  Colourists:  Hi-Fi Design / Rosemary Cheetham  ⋅ ⋅  Letterers:  Dezi Sienty   ⋅  Editors:  Wil Moss  ⋅  We start with Power Girl facing down with  Hakkou, that radiation man, and doing a pretty good job until she tries to touch the villain only to collapse in pain. So Huntress just steps up and just shoots him in the head, he flees and the women chase after him. We get another five-year flashback, to them burning their costumes. Then a skip to a few months later and Kara not being happy to be on Earth 0, wanting to just do something rather than just sitting around and gathering intel. We then flash to the near now where Karan Starr is running her busin...