Superboy Returns! (Again) - Teen Titans Annual #1

The Source Of Mercy

Teen Titans Annual
Cover Date: June 2015
Released: 1st April 2015

⋅ Writers: 
Tom King / Will Pfeifer
⋅ Pencilers: Alisson Borges / Wes St. Claire ⋅ 
⋅ Inkers: Alisson Borges / Wayne Faucher   
⋅ Colourists: Matt Yackey ⋅ 
⋅ Letterers: John J. Hill 
⋅ Editors: Rickey Purdin / Mike Cotton / Eddie Berganza 

Continued from Teen Titans #8.

As I've stated many times before I sometimes wished I'd planned this blog with these coincidences before I started. Because as Infinite Crisis has the death of Conner Kent, Superboy, this annual brings him back or at least to the New 52 universe. They even came out in the same month, even if they were around nine years apart. Now I know it's not perfect, this isn't even the real first return of Superboy to the New 52, just the first time that this version of the Titan's.

We start with Conner lying among what appears to be a massacre, and we quickly find that it's believed that Conner did this deed. When then cut to the reaction of the titans, including a full of Cassie (Wonder Girl) not taking it very well, here as back in the Infinite Crisis days the two of them had a thing.

In a bonus to my whole Black History Month (here in the UK it's celebrated in October) excuse to cover more Tanya Spears, we also have J'onn J'onzz (The Martian Manhunter) at first as his detective persona and here appearing as African American. The whole evolution of the identity of J'onn (and to some extent Starfire) as African American is a fascinating journey that I'd like to see explored one day. Though here he's not presented in the best light, as the antagonist of the story wants to bring Conner to justice.

Luckily a shapeshifting alien, a Durlan, who also survived the massacre knows that Superboy wasn't the one to kill all those people, who were also Durlan's. This alien, Ruth (add the apostrophe as needed and/or desired), she helps Conner escapes as far as she can, her people were meant to have lost their powers. Once taken that far Conner goes to get help from the only people he trusts to help, the Teen Titans.

This does not sit well with Cassie and finally, Tanya, who wants to take Conner to the authorities whilst the others want to help clear Conner's names. This goes along with the running theme of the mistrust of the two female heroes being drawn to Manchester Black's side. So yeah as seems to be the alternative versions of Power Girls almost always seem to be on the "wrong" side if not right out bad guys, I'd like to think it's not a conscious pattern but you never know about these things!

We end with the two girls going to said Manchester Black after the others escape from Martian Manhunter, who reveals the existence of this universe's Elite!

From my limited understanding, most Annuals are a stand-alone story, or a side story linking to the main tale, and just a way to make the number or yearly episodes make sense. Which to me is always weird as our annuals were a seasonal thing bough out as stand-alone products to be bought and consumed over Christmas. The thing is this isn't it's the main part of the story that's been building since the first issue, with the two girls falling away from the Titans and into the clutches of STAR Labs and Elite.

The main problem with this issue is that thanks to my previous reading and watching I am inclined to side with J'onn whilst he's set up as the wrong side here. Really, and it might be happening next issue, after the misunderstanding fight J'onn should be on their side and trying to find the truth. of course, you couldn't have the fight between the old Titans and the Elite which we've been building towards for about a year or so now. Really it's how the next few issues play out that will determine how I'll ultimately read this as part of the story.


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