
Showing posts with the label Infinite Crisis

Harley Quinn, volume 3 #67 - Crisis Killer

    JANUARY 2020 6th NOVEMBER 2019 HARLEY QUINN, Volume 3 #67 CRISIS KILLER (YEAR OF THE VILLAIN) Travel between Crisises as a metaphor for dealing with the loss of a family member, and how "reality" doesn't always match up to fantasy? Well that, apparently is Harley Quinn! Side-stepping the current event, Harley instead gets to finish Crisis on Infinite Earths early to earn a recreation of that classic JLA/JSA Thanksgiving cover. And to finish as we started all Power Girl gets is a non-speaking cameo, though this time there are actually two of them! Power Girl Hair Length - To Neck Line

We're all stories in the End - Infinite Crisis #7

Finale Infinite Crisis #7 Cover Date:  June 2006 Released:  3rd May 2006 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅  Pencilers:  Phil Jimenez / George    Pérez / Ivan Reis   / Joe Bennett   ⋅  Inkers: Many     Hands   ⋅     Colourists:  Jeromy Cox / Guy Major / Tanya    Horie / Richard Horie   ⋅  Letterers:  Nick J. Napolitano   ⋅ ⋅  Editors:  Jeanine  Schaefer /   Eddie Berganza  ⋅ Continued from  Infinite Crisis #6 We start with a one page summary of Conner's death and old Superman lamenting how he was fooled to pick the wrong side, this include's Pee Gee asking about Lois though we don't get to see her full reactions (though to be fair there is a crisis going on). We don't have much time though as all the villains are attacking Metropolis, in an amazing two page splash. We then get a few pages of various fights, with a little housecleaning...

Slouching towards New Earth - Infinite Crisis #6

Touchdown Infinite Crisis #6 Cover Date:  May 2006 Released:  5th April 2006 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅  Pencilers:  Phil Jimenez / George    Pérez / Ivan Reis   / Joe Bennett   ⋅  Inkers:  Andy Lanning /       George Pérez / Ivan Reis / Jerry Ordway / Sean Parsons /    Art Thibert  ⋅     Colourists:  Jeromy Cox / Guy Major / Tanya    Horie / Richard Horie   ⋅  Letterers:  Rob Leigh   ⋅ ⋅  Editors:  Jeanine  Schaefer /   Eddie Berganza  ⋅ Continued from  Infinite Crisis #5 We start with a slightly freaked-out Blue Beetle taking Batman's crew into space, onboard the Bug, with Booster trying and failing to calm down Jaime, so badly that Batman, BATMAN!, points it out (he's trying okay). In a weird opening, we have a call back to Hal and Ollie's Hard Travelling heroes days, as Hal is apparently whistling Take ...

World without a Superman - Infinite Crisis #5

Faith Infinite Crisis #5 Cover Date:  April 2006 Released:  1st March 2006 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅  Pencilers:  Phil Jimenez / George    Pérez / Ivan Reis   ⋅  Inkers:  Andy Lanning / Jerry Ordway /    Art Thibert  ⋅     Colourists:  Jeromy Cox / Guy Major /    Rod Reis  ⋅  Letterers:  Nick J. Napolitano  ⋅  Editors:  Jeanine    Schaefer /   Eddie Berganza  ⋅ Continued from Infinite Crisis #4 We start with something completely unexpected, a discussion with Ragman (who's Jewish) and Mister Terrific (who's an Atheist) about faith. Now as the all-powerful reader, as I'm sure Morrison would put it, we know that everything is true in the DC Universe (with a very western Christian bias), but for the characters within the DC Universe, this is how they experienced the universe. If you want to get super deep we know Superman-2 is wrong but fr...

Superboy-Prime is a jerk! - Infinite Crisis #4

Homecoming Infinite Crisis #4 Cover Date:  March 2006 Released:  18th January 2005 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅  Pencilers:  Phil Jimenez / George    Pérez / Ivan Reis   ⋅  Inkers:  Many,  Many Hands  ⋅     Colourists:  Jeromy Cox /    Guy Major  ⋅  Letterers:  Nick J. Napolitano  ⋅  Editors:  Jeanine    Schaefer /   Eddie Berganza  ⋅ Continued from Infinite Crisis #3 *Deep breath*  A lot happens here, but it's all based around three main stories. The first is around Bludhaven, Nightwing's little Gotham where he's been playing around in for a while, being destroyed by Chemo, a giant plastic blob filled with deadly corrosive chemicals. Apart from destroying the city, a lot of housecleaning is happening here, the main thing is that it distracts some of the big heroes, like SUperman as the other stuff is going on. We also get bridges mended ...

God only knows - Infinite Crisis #3

Divine Intervention Infinite Crisis #3 Cover Date:  February 2006 Released:  21st December 2005 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅  Pencilers:  Phil Jimenez / George    Pérez   ⋅  Inkers: Still  Many Hands  ⋅     Colourists:  Jeromy Cox /    Guy Major  ⋅  Letterers:  Nick J. Napolitano  ⋅  Editors:  Jeanine    Schaefer /   Eddie Berganza  ⋅ Continued from Infinite Crisis #2 So we start in the flooded city of San Diego, yeah remember when San Diego was a sunken city inhabited by Atlanteans? We get a quick fight between Aquaman and Mera against Black Manta, which is good as they happen to be the only Aquaman characters I actually do know! And no Aquaman is a cool bro badass, Superfriends was never really shown here, so I never thought of Aquaman as just the man who talks to fish! Anyway, this doesn't matter as the Specter, still unhinged without a human ho...

No butts - Infinite Crisis #2

The Survivors Infinite Crisis #2 Cover Date:  January 2006 Released:  9th November 2005 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅  Pencilers:  Phil Jimenez   ⋅  ⋅  Inkers:  Many Hands  ⋅     Colourists:  Jeromy Cox / Guy Major  ⋅  ⋅  Letterers:  Nick J. Napolitano  ⋅  Editors:  Jeanine Schaefer /     Eddie Berganza  ⋅ So I'd like to say that this was planned, what with (as of writing) we're halfway through the most recent Crisis, Dark Crisis (of Infinite Earths), but basically the JSA comics heavily rely on this crossover, so we're bringing this one forward! To sum up issue 1 the DC universe is falling into chaos, the Trinity (Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman) are fighting over recent actions, including Wonder Woman killing Maxwell Lord live on television.  Watching from their crystal world the Earth-2 Superman and Superboy-Prime (last seen from Crisis on Infinite...

I've seen Fire and I've seen rain - JSA #76

In Search of... JSA #76 Cover Date:  October 2005 Released:  3rd August 2005 ⋅ Writers:   Geoff Johns  ⋅ Pencilers:  Ken Lopez  ⋅  ⋅   Inkers:  Fernando Blanco  ⋅   Colourists:  John Kalisz  ⋅ ⋅  Letterers:  Rob Leigh   ⋅  Editors:  Peter Tomasi / Harvey Richards  ⋅  Continued from JSA #75 So 'erm apparently Atom Smasher is... alive and well, that whole heart thing being some kind of magical metaphor or something... This is an issue where we finally get Infinite Crisis starts to show its influence on the title, and this being the JSA we get several storylines weaving together, none of them yet being related to each other. The main story is members of the JSA, Alan Scott (Green Lantern), Jay Garrick (Flash), Ted Grant (the real Wildcat), Michael Holt (Mr Terrific) and Carter Hall (Hawkman) fighting, and generally losing, against an OMAC. It's complicated but OMACs are nano-machine that can...

Justice a little bit more - JSA #74

  Black Vengeance, Part II of III JSA #74 Cover Date:  August 2005 Released:  2nd June 2005 So The Spectre has gone crazy and is trying to destroy all magic in the world. And to underline this we open with him attacking two characters I honestly didn't expect to see after the end of Infinity Inc, Hector Hall, who has kinda sorta given up being Doctor Fate, and Lyta who is just sort of hanging around these days. We don't however see what happens to them as we cut to where the main part of the story is taking place Kahndaq, which is being attacked by giant Kaiju Spectre. In a quiet bit we get Power Girl being pretty protective of Star Girl, that aunty character I liked from the end of her time on Infinity Inc (almost). It seems poor Courtney is taking Atom Smashers "betrayal" pretty hard, and there seems to be some beef with her and Captain Marvel (or Shazam, whatever). Which he try's to explain and Kara firmly tells him to just leave it for now. We also get a neat ...

Justice, just justice - JSA #73

  Black Vengeance, Part I of III JSA #73 Cover Date:  July 2005 Released:  11th May 2005 So obviously after coming off of one crisis I want to slam into the next one! But the plan has always been to look at either end of the Atlantis era and her rediscovering her Kryptonian origin (again). In fact you'd have to remember she's meant to be Atlantean as most here seem to think that she one of the Kryptonian.  Previously in Countdown to Infinite Crisis poor old Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) was ignoreed by the entire DC Universe and found out Maxwell Lord (who founded the JLI, we'll get to that soon) was actually a villain, fatally. Interesting in that story both Ted and Supes act like Power Girl is Kryptonian, and Superman mentions her powers have been getting a little wonky (Kara appears in a few panels but doesn't do much but arrive and leave). And in the previous issue of JSA whilst traveling forward in time, they were in the WW2 era, she has a bit of a freak out with multi...

Crisis of (in)Finate Power Girls

So with the Arrowverse Crisis between episodes it seems to be a good time to talk about one of the weirdest fact about Power Girl and Crisis, she might be the one character that’s survived from them all to the almost present day. Let me explain. Power Girl original started on Earth-2 but around 1985 DC decided that they wanted to simplify a multiverse and so we’ve got Crisis on Infinite Earths., as I’m sure everyone reading is aware. The upshot was that we were Kara short and Power Girl was part of the New Earth. Everyone was rebooted, except Batman because he’s Batman, and because as for some reason you couldn’t have both a Last Son and Daughter of Krypton Kara became an Atlantean. And as stupid as that was that would have been that, but DC wasn’t done having Crisises. Infinite Crisis not only sensibly gave her back her Earth-2 origin it also killed off the last remaining pre-Crisis heroes meaning that she was the last hero from the original universe. And before anyon...