
Showing posts with the label Zero Hour

Let's talk about the Baby - Prologue

What's better for this spooky month than to deal with a little body horror! Time to deal with that storyline, the one where a blonde powerhouse of a hero becomes pregnant with a mystery baby. As this is a Power Girl blog it's not Avengers #200, but from a complicated series of events, that started in Justice League Europe #51. Unlike the before mentioned Marvel Comics, it's not a one-and-done, but a series of events that kinda/sorta starts in the last issue of JLE #51. The Ice Breaks Justice League Europe #50 (May 1993) Technically this isn't anything to do with mystery baby but it quite obviously shows what was originally planned. It's a massive event comic with the JLE and JLA, with a brief appearance of the JSA, where a villain called Sonar has captured and brainwashed a vast number of the JLE and his attack has caused Hal Jordan to lose his memory. In a fight with Sonar Power Girl tricks the villain into dropping a building on them relying on Hal to provide a pr