
Showing posts with the label Power Girl

Harley Quinn, volume 3 #67 - Crisis Killer

    JANUARY 2020 6th NOVEMBER 2019 HARLEY QUINN, Volume 3 #67 CRISIS KILLER (YEAR OF THE VILLAIN) Travel between Crisises as a metaphor for dealing with the loss of a family member, and how "reality" doesn't always match up to fantasy? Well that, apparently is Harley Quinn! Side-stepping the current event, Harley instead gets to finish Crisis on Infinite Earths early to earn a recreation of that classic JLA/JSA Thanksgiving cover. And to finish as we started all Power Girl gets is a non-speaking cameo, though this time there are actually two of them! Power Girl Hair Length - To Neck Line

Wonder Woman, volume 1 #275 - Thinking Man's Crime

      JANUARY 1981 9th OCTOBER 1980 WONDER WOMAN, Volume 1 #275 THINKING MAN'S CRIME We're in The Huntress backup strip that ran in Wonder Woman, including a running subplot we'll get to later! We start with a magnificent splash page where we quickly explain Earth-Two, Huntress's origins, and Power Girl being there and just show them both in action. Apparently, Gotham is having a bit of a crime spree, a good excuse to show a few pages of Huntress and Power Girl in action, along with some light banter about the situation. Though not too long as this is a backup and we only have eight pages to work with! The final reminder is that the current District Attorney, like many in Gotham, is having a crackdown on Superheroes. To complicate matters the DA, Harry Sims, has a mutual thing for Helena Wayne, not knowing that she's Huntress! She is more inclined to protect his crackdown on heroes, whilst Power Girl is less keen on the idea. It's actually nice that they explain...

The Secret Society of Supervillains #12 - The Plunder Plan

 JANUARY 1978 20th OCTOBER 1977 THE SECRET SOCIETY OF SUPERVILLAINS #12 THE PLUNDER PLAN Because All-Star was bi-monthly (e.g., every other month), only one comic came out in January in the 1970s with Power Girl in it, and it's a disappointing cameo! The Wizard having decided that the Injustice Society fails because they have a loser mindset (very grindset bro of him) jumped to Earth-1 to join the aforementioned Secret Society of Supervillains. He even gets a natty new uniform to boot!

Justice League America #94 – What Are You Made Of?

WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? Justice League America #94 Published:  18th October 1994 Cover Date:  December 1994 Penciler:  Chuck Wojtkiewicz Inker:  Bob Dvorak Colorist:  Gene D'Angelo Letterers:  Clem Robins Editors:  Brian Augustyn / Ruben Diaz Introduction Post Infinite Crisis everything that happens here, along with the whole baby fiasco. Arion at this point knows that Power Girl isn't Atlantian, has always she wasn't, but still acts as though she was for whatever the whole baby plot was about Plot Sypnosis Talking off, we start with Arion explaining about Atlantis, the high-magic past that seems to have been attacked by someone or something with high-tech power armour! Here he reinforces that she was sent to the present to protect humanity, a rare mention of her Atlantian origins, but it also tied into the baby! They carefully sidestep the ideas that the baby was put there by Arion, instead suggesting that it's some kind o...

Let's talk about the Baby - Prologue

What's better for this spooky month than to deal with a little body horror! Time to deal with that storyline, the one where a blonde powerhouse of a hero becomes pregnant with a mystery baby. As this is a Power Girl blog it's not Avengers #200, but from a complicated series of events, that started in Justice League Europe #51. Unlike the before mentioned Marvel Comics, it's not a one-and-done, but a series of events that kinda/sorta starts in the last issue of JLE #51. The Ice Breaks Justice League Europe #50 (May 1993) Technically this isn't anything to do with mystery baby but it quite obviously shows what was originally planned. It's a massive event comic with the JLE and JLA, with a brief appearance of the JSA, where a villain called Sonar has captured and brainwashed a vast number of the JLE and his attack has caused Hal Jordan to lose his memory. In a fight with Sonar Power Girl tricks the villain into dropping a building on them relying on Hal to provide a pr...

Returning - Justice League Europe 39

  RETURNING JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #39 Published: 28th April  1992 Cover Date: June  1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Romeo Tanghal Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction Around this time I was at university, college for my American friends, I shared a house with someone who dressed a little like Deconstructo white biy dreads and holey black CUD jumper. It has nothing to do with the story or the character, (as I recall he was more a Brian from Spaced ) but at least I get a nice memory from this comic! Plot Synopsis Oh no Power Girl is dead, as a weird sexy corpse because of the '90s. Flash goes after the villain to almost falls to his death, catching onto one of the hands of Big Ben. Before the villain faded away into a Union Jack flag because symbolism! We also get a page of him babbling on about classical art, as instead of regular pictures he'll give Lon...

Dissolving Deconstructo - Justice League Europe #38

  DISSOLVING DECONSTRUCTO JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #38 Published: 31ST  March 1992 Cover Date:  May   1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall / Randy Elliott Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Randy Elliott Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction The hardest types of comics to talk about aren't the bad ones, they at least have something to complain about, it's the ones that are meh. And that's not an excuse for the rather sparse posting recently, though it probably didn't help, but this issue is twenty-odd pages of a single plot point. Plot Synopsis We open straight from the last issue with our heroes saying that they must take down the villain, whilst Batman wants to watch and learn about his powers. Pee Gee is again the impulsive hothead more ready to punch things than to think about how to deal with problems. Then we're back to the question of who will be the leader, with Power Girl pitch...

The Panic of The Composite Creature - Brave and the Bold #1

  The Panic of The Composite Creature BRAVE AND THE BOLD #1 Published:  28 th January 2009 Cover Date:  March 2009 Cover Artists:   James Tucker / Brian Miller Writer:  Matt Wayne Penciler:  Andy Suriano Inker:   Dan Davis Colourist:   Heroic Age Letterer:   Randy Gentile Editors:   Rachel Gluckstern Introduction After so much, or really so little, 90s EXTREME I need a bit of a palate cleanser. So as a touch of unofficial synergy with Shag's look at the Brave and the Bold, as posted on the Fire and Water Network ( for the rare person who's not here from said site, the episode is here ). Whilst Power Girl didn't appear in the animated show, as it seems to be the pattern, she did appear in the first-ever issue of the tie-in comic. And whilst it doesn't mention the JLE at all it just happens to be set in London (England) of all places! Story Synopsis We open as in the cartoon with a vignette where our boisterous Aquaman helps Batman fight C...

Trinity #15-52!

  Trinity October 2008 - July 2009 Trinity is frustrating! Not the story which is a fascinating story. Basically, the Trinity (Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman) are banished to another dimension by some of DC's heavy hitters. With them gone history is rewritten so they never existed, instead the Justice Society stepped up and took the strain. But being an ALt Universe it's a little darker and l less hopeful. Thankfully Alfred, the best of all characters, collects together those characters who are connected to the lost heroes, an Eradicator style Super Girl (why it's not Power Girl I'm not sure), gangster Dick Grayson, Fox New style Lois Lane and librarian Donna Troy. They go on a journey to this dimension to find that the Trinty became god-like being that helps guide three alien species. It goes well until it doesn't and they withdraw to do god-like things for however long things have gone on this world! Through the journey the characters remember who they and th...

Trinity #16

    Trinity #16 Brave Men and Woman October 2008 In 2008 DC rebooted its entire universe, only to switch it back only a year later without any mention! Instead of the JSA protecting humanity from supervillains instead the Justice Society International (obviously a nod to the JLI) does that job as some of the founding members of the JLA no longer exist causing this entire timeline to come into existence! More people need to be made aware of this lost DC Universe!

Changing - Justice League Europe #37

CHANGING JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #37 Published: 17 th March 1992 Cover Date: April 1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall / Murphy Anderson / Bob LeRose Writer:   Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Randy Elliott Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction Today I learned two new words reading this comic, which is good as if shows that comics can be educational. This sounds like I'm about to say this because there's nothing else good about this comic, which surprisingly I'm not, though it's not as simple as you'd first expect! Plot Sypnosis We start with a full page of cheesecake as Kimiyo (Doctor Light), who for some reason is in just a towel is zipping up Power Girl's new costume. Ralph, who seems to be innocent here rather than a letch, has the door slammed in his face for looking in on the scene. He then talks to Sue who seems to have been put in charge as they explain that this "new" JLE is being launched...

World's End? - Worlds' Finest #26

WORLD'S END? WORLDS' FINEST #26 Published:  13th August 2014 Cover Date:  October 2014 Cover Artists:   Tyler Kirkham / Jason Wright Writer:  Paul Levitz / Scott Kolins Penciler:  Tyler Kirkham Inker:   Joe Weems Colourist:   Arif Prianto Letterer:   Travis Lanham Editors:   Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Anthony Marques Introduction It seems appropriate, if I admit a tad slight, that today of all days (a leap day) we should talk about a character who if had been created during a leap year she wouldn't have made it long past her first (fourth) birthday. For the final day of Tanya month, we finally get the Tanya that everyone (who cares) would consider the "real" Tanya! Sypnosis We start on Earth 2, or Earth-2 apparently, with Pee Gee and Huntress looking upon a massive wormhole over a city. Huntress is not keep on being used as canon fodder, whilst Pee Gee seems quite keen to get into action. Especially when she sees what she assumes is ...