A whole lot of shaking! - Worlds' Finest #10

Some Things You Can Change, Some You Can't...

Worlds' Finest #10
Cover Date: May 2013
Released: 6th March 2013

⋅ Writers: Paul Levitz
⋅ Pencilers: Kevin Maguire
⋅ Inker: Kevin Maguire
⋅ Colourists: Rosemary Cheetham
⋅ Letterer:  Carlos M. Mangual
⋅ Editors: Anthony Marques / Mike Cotton / Eddie Berganza

Continued from Worlds' Finest #9

We start with Helena investigating Michael Holt, aka Mr. Terrefic, Pee Gee is investigating one of his Silicon Valley laboratories by tunneling underneath the ground and setting up a mini earthquake. It's funny to me as I've been reading old Supergirl comics and when she was still a secret she was always tunneling underground! Being a little irked at the raid on her island she is also here to cause a lot of property damage.

Kara may have been a little too keen on the Earthquake as it causes an earthquake and fissure in the nearby area. Despite the desire to cause damage, she's still a hero at heart so rescues a car that had fallen into the fissure and a truck that's in danger of falling off a bridge. Feeling suitably guilty at the destruction she has caused. It adds nothing to the plot, but it is nice to be reminded for all their desire to go home the two are still heroes and are willing to put everything aside to just help people.

The next day a slightly miffed Helena is breaking into one of Holt's offices, chastising Pee Gee for going in half-cocked, though we don't see Kara's reaction to (frankly well-deserved) dressing down. The office is protected by three of Mr. Terrefics T-sphere's, which Huntress captures using one of her crossbow bolts.

Then in a weird cut, we get a message from Damian, and apparently, something happened to him, I'll admit here my lack of Batknowledge lets me down so I don't know if it is part of the main story or related to the plot going on here. Helena has some time alone at his, I guess grave before Kara whisks her away before Batman can catch them. It's a really nice scene though, even if I don't quite get the full picture that might make it even better.

Cutting back we have security or police investigating the break-in, finding some of the T-spheres, before they're interrupted by Aleeka Okafur, an aid of Holt we've seen before in his solo comic. I may not have liked those issues, but I actually recognized the character (if not the name) so it was quite a nice surprise.

We end with Pee Gee flying through the sky with Huntress and Helena gently chides her for not realizing that Holt was Mr. Terrefic, which leads to one of the best lines in the entire comic!

Look there are only so many ways to say that we have another issue building up the plot, and yet enough is happening to keep me engaged, yet here we are for another issue! I think the highest praise I can give this run so far is that I'm so very tempted to just finish out this story and just say screw the schedule, but I also don't want to savor everything we get and look forward to covering it in the future.


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