
Showing posts with the label '90s

Starman, volume 1 #18 - Your Mother Should Know

                                                                                    JANUARY 1990 28th NOVEMBER 1989 STARMAN, Volume 1 #18 YOUR MOTHER SHOULD KNOW Only a few issues in and we're in the second part of a two-part story! Doctor Polaris, who may or may not be a Magneto expy, has captured our two heroes. But enough of that let's have some family drama! Yes, we're in the late 80s so we're in full A-plot, B-plot territory with full-on soap opera goodness! For now, let's get the family drama out of the way first. Momma Starman, Marie (Payton), is still recovering from the death of her no-good husband who she's only just buried. It even affects her forklift certification at the warehouse where she works so much! All the while she's worried that her son (Will) has gone missin...

Justice League America #94 – What Are You Made Of?

WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? Justice League America #94 Published:  18th October 1994 Cover Date:  December 1994 Penciler:  Chuck Wojtkiewicz Inker:  Bob Dvorak Colorist:  Gene D'Angelo Letterers:  Clem Robins Editors:  Brian Augustyn / Ruben Diaz Introduction Post Infinite Crisis everything that happens here, along with the whole baby fiasco. Arion at this point knows that Power Girl isn't Atlantian, has always she wasn't, but still acts as though she was for whatever the whole baby plot was about Plot Sypnosis Talking off, we start with Arion explaining about Atlantis, the high-magic past that seems to have been attacked by someone or something with high-tech power armour! Here he reinforces that she was sent to the present to protect humanity, a rare mention of her Atlantian origins, but it also tied into the baby! They carefully sidestep the ideas that the baby was put there by Arion, instead suggesting that it's some kind o...

Justice League America #93 - The Baby Hunt

  THE BABY HUNT Justice League America #93 Published:  28th September 1994 Cover Date:  November 1994 Penciler:  Chuck Wojtkiewicz Inker:   Bob Dvorak Editors:   Brian Augustyn / Ruben Diaz Introduction Ironically I'm just a month shy of this issue coming out thirty years ago. As well as making us I'm sure all feel old (the '90s were just yesterday wasn't it?), it's amazing how different things were back then.  It also means that the baby story picks up almost straight away, and it continues for eight more issues! Luckily we can skim some of them but this is the first one that suggests something special is going on! Plot Synopsis We pick up with a full-page spread of the new team. After Zero Hour we had a new team from the combined members from all the previous versions. The Justice League International/Europe is now dead and gone! Currently, the team is Wonder Woman (the leader), The Flash, Hawkman, Metamorpho, Fire, Crimson Fox, Obsidian and N...

Let's talk about the Baby - Prologue

What's better for this spooky month than to deal with a little body horror! Time to deal with that storyline, the one where a blonde powerhouse of a hero becomes pregnant with a mystery baby. As this is a Power Girl blog it's not Avengers #200, but from a complicated series of events, that started in Justice League Europe #51. Unlike the before mentioned Marvel Comics, it's not a one-and-done, but a series of events that kinda/sorta starts in the last issue of JLE #51. The Ice Breaks Justice League Europe #50 (May 1993) Technically this isn't anything to do with mystery baby but it quite obviously shows what was originally planned. It's a massive event comic with the JLE and JLA, with a brief appearance of the JSA, where a villain called Sonar has captured and brainwashed a vast number of the JLE and his attack has caused Hal Jordan to lose his memory. In a fight with Sonar Power Girl tricks the villain into dropping a building on them relying on Hal to provide a pr...

Returning - Justice League Europe 39

  RETURNING JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #39 Published: 28th April  1992 Cover Date: June  1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Romeo Tanghal Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction Around this time I was at university, college for my American friends, I shared a house with someone who dressed a little like Deconstructo white biy dreads and holey black CUD jumper. It has nothing to do with the story or the character, (as I recall he was more a Brian from Spaced ) but at least I get a nice memory from this comic! Plot Synopsis Oh no Power Girl is dead, as a weird sexy corpse because of the '90s. Flash goes after the villain to almost falls to his death, catching onto one of the hands of Big Ben. Before the villain faded away into a Union Jack flag because symbolism! We also get a page of him babbling on about classical art, as instead of regular pictures he'll give Lon...

Dissolving Deconstructo - Justice League Europe #38

  DISSOLVING DECONSTRUCTO JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #38 Published: 31ST  March 1992 Cover Date:  May   1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall / Randy Elliott Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Randy Elliott Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction The hardest types of comics to talk about aren't the bad ones, they at least have something to complain about, it's the ones that are meh. And that's not an excuse for the rather sparse posting recently, though it probably didn't help, but this issue is twenty-odd pages of a single plot point. Plot Synopsis We open straight from the last issue with our heroes saying that they must take down the villain, whilst Batman wants to watch and learn about his powers. Pee Gee is again the impulsive hothead more ready to punch things than to think about how to deal with problems. Then we're back to the question of who will be the leader, with Power Girl pitch...

What Matters Most - Aquaman #7

   Aquaman #7 What Matters Most June 1992 The comic is an amazing story of Aquaman recovering from a psychotic break after the death of his son. But that had nothing to do with Pee Gee's appearance, just showing that he's joined the current JLE, though he lacks the Tom Jones looks of that comic.

Changing - Justice League Europe #37

CHANGING JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #37 Published: 17 th March 1992 Cover Date: April 1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall / Murphy Anderson / Bob LeRose Writer:   Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Randy Elliott Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction Today I learned two new words reading this comic, which is good as if shows that comics can be educational. This sounds like I'm about to say this because there's nothing else good about this comic, which surprisingly I'm not, though it's not as simple as you'd first expect! Plot Sypnosis We start with a full page of cheesecake as Kimiyo (Doctor Light), who for some reason is in just a towel is zipping up Power Girl's new costume. Ralph, who seems to be innocent here rather than a letch, has the door slammed in his face for looking in on the scene. He then talks to Sue who seems to have been put in charge as they explain that this "new" JLE is being launched...

Teamwork - Justice League Spectacular

  TEAMWORK JUSTICE LEAGUE SPECTACULAR Published:  25th February 1992 Cover Date:  April  1992 Cover Artists:   Dan Jurgens Writer:  Dan Jurgens Penciler:  Dan Jurgens / Ron Randall Inker:   Rick Burchett / Randy Elliott Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Bob Pinaha Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction This is the real start of the post-Giffin / DeMatteis JLA/JLE run, and yet it doesn't as this is a completely disposable issue that you don't need to read if you're just following the issues (that as is the fashion of the time continuing the numbering). Stuff happens but nothing that can't be discovered in the issues themselves. I guess I'm not really selling this well, and to spoil things it's not bad, just forgettable. Sypnosis Back from their own mini Ralph and Sue are visiting a theme park in Florida, obviously not that one but it is full of cuddle animal mascots. Though obviously not that different as we visit the, copyright...

Sea of Troubles - Armageddon Inferno #2

  Armageddon: Inferno #2 Sea of Troubles May 1992 Again another cameo, and this time not quite so impressive, and if we're being generous a little Easter egg about the two characters. Wrong Flash, but Barry meeting Jay kicked off the multiverse, something at this point DC is still scrabbling to make everything fit into just one universe. And Power Girl worked alongside Jay on the JSA on Earth-2. Or y'know cute little scene of two characters talking and I'm reading too much into this... 

Seeds of Doom - Armageddon:Inferno #1

  Armageddon: Inferno #1 Seeds of Doom April 1992 Alas, not that old Doctor Who episode, either of them, but a fairly standard four-part mini playing off of the bungled event that was Armageddon 2001! The plot is unimportant as the only appearance of Power Girl is about her on a team that fights the big bad of the mini (Abraxas) in a possible future. It's a lovely full-page splash, and it's nice that Pee Gee gets name-checked among DC's heavy hitters, but it's so inconsequential DC hasn't yet bothered to put on Infinity!

Star Shadows: Starlight, Star Bright - Starman #45

  STAR SHADOWS:  STARLIGHT, STAR BRIGHT STARMAN #45 Published:  25th February 1992 Cover Date: April  1992 Cover Artists:   Mike Mignola Writer:  Len Strazewski Penciler:  John Calimee Inker:   Roy Richardson Colourist:   Tom McCraw Letterer:   Bob Pinaha Editors:   Paul Kupperberg Introduction It might be just me, and I'm not brave enough to ask those involved, but I always suspected that if it wasn't for her joining the JLE Power Girl would have been a supporting character in this book. So it seems appropriate that for the very last issue in this run, Pee Gee appears in the final issue. This issue also has a clash with Eclipso, something that will become important later in '92. Sypnosis This issue is the end of a four-parter so we start in the middle of things with Eclipso arriving via mini shuttle. They surprise Kitty Faulkner, Rampage, who Doctor Bruce Gordon (the civilian identity of Eclipso at this point). She tries to Ra...