Tanya cuts loose! - Teen Titans #13

Rogue Targets, Part 5

Teen Titans #13
Cover Date: January 2016
Released: 11th November 2015

⋅ Writers: Will Pfeifer
⋅ Pencilers: Ricken / Paolo Pantalena / Noel Rodriguez 
                     Scott McDaniel
⋅ Inker: Trevor Scott / Johnny Desjardins / Paolo Pantalena
⋅ Colourists: Tony AviƱa
⋅ Editors: Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Paul Kaminski

Continued from Teen Titans #12

So half the issue is the good stuff, yes for once this is a Power Girl issue, but first, we need to clean up all the loose ends. It split over the issue but we'll clump everything together just for the ease of things.

First is the prison break, though as we learn later on it's not actually a prison break at all just Dr. Psycho taking advantage of the situation to get free. First, he takes down Barricade by reprogramming his purple bricks, then he shuts down Changeling's shapeshifting making him go from a Rhino to a Hummingbird. Finally, he reaches his true goal, the unconscious form of Raven hoping to gain something important from her brain. Unfortunately for him, Raven's made of sterner stuff and we see her as a queen on a throne built on the corpse of Trigon as she basically whoops his ass psychically. Or something like that it's kinda handwavey about what's quite going on, I guess it's to build up Raven as a superpower, especially as she's been unconscious for most of the last two issues.

Red Robin, Wonder Girl, and Kid Flash are much more simple, basically, they find a way back to the prison, whilst Tim gives a speech about the Titans being more than a team but a movement. Through the speech, first Cassie and then Bart get on board about this and all the animosity of the whole of the last few issues and beyond is (for now) completely gone! Oh and when the three get back we have to see Cassie's butt because apparently this comic is classy like that!

Finally, we have the glorious joy that is Tanya! Suspicious of Manchester Black's activities in the prison she not only follows him she somehow convinces Chimera (off-screen) to impersonate Despero, though how or why doesn't matter as we get glorious pages of Tanya beating the ever-loving crap out of Manchester! We even find out that somehow Manchester had been slipping drugs into her food that allow her to grow to giant size, it also apparently affects her mind and she has to be talked down from killing Manchester!

So the Elite apologizes to the Titans who are apparently all back together and everything is good, right? Well no because on the very last page we have the sudden surprise of the arrival of Alpha Centurian, apparently to take the Titans to justice!

It might be Tanya actually getting to do something, cut loose a little, and really show what she can do, but this issue felt so much better that the previous issues. It helps that we actually find out that Manchester Black was actually doing nefarious things to this Elite, would have been nice to see this built up over the last few issues, but I guess I'll take what I can get!


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