Trinity #15-52!

 Trinity October 2008 - July 2009

Trinity is frustrating!

Not the story which is a fascinating story. Basically, the Trinity (Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman) are banished to another dimension by some of DC's heavy hitters. With them gone history is rewritten so they never existed, instead the Justice Society stepped up and took the strain. But being an ALt Universe it's a little darker and l less hopeful.

Thankfully Alfred, the best of all characters, collects together those characters who are connected to the lost heroes, an Eradicator style Super Girl (why it's not Power Girl I'm not sure), gangster Dick Grayson, Fox New style Lois Lane and librarian Donna Troy. They go on a journey to this dimension to find that the Trinty became god-like being that helps guide three alien species. It goes well until it doesn't and they withdraw to do god-like things for however long things have gone on this world!

Through the journey the characters remember who they and the Trinity are so they convince them to go back to Earth, dealing with a massive threat with relative ease. But being power disembodied spirits they have no desire to go back to who they were before. But the conflict is big enough that it damages the Earth itself so to save the world they have to give up their powers to Gaia herself!

There's a lot else in this comic, including Tomorrow Woman and a neat little character who's technically still in existence! A weekly comic, which I thought they'd given up on after the mess that was Countdown, it's a really good story and worth a look. I'm sure many overlook it as the covers, as good as they are, are super generic and don't give a clue about the content of the story inside. For what it's worth I recommend checking the story out.

So what's the problem?

Power Girl is in almost every issue, but only in a single panel or two here of there, she only speaks like once in the entire thing. Rather than 23 individual background appearances I've rolled into a single post (this one obviously).

Oh, and the black and white costume of JSI Power Girl is really good!


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