I Must Be Going, Part Two - Worlds' Finest #24



Published: 11th June 2014
Cover Date: August 2014
Cover Artists: Barry Kitson / Jason Wright
Writer: Paul Levitz
Penciler: Scott McDaniel
Inker: Scott McDaniel
Colourist: Jason Wright
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Anthony Marques

Comics need more goofy superheroics! Personally, I feel that sometimes the desire to be more grounded and realistic denies the fun that comics can be. Not deep I know but this is a middle, and awesome middle, but really there's not much depth to discuss here!

We open on a splash page that picks up from the last issue with the terrorist holding Tanya at gunpoint whilst Huntress, with amazing capeage, stands on summarizing the plot. Helena fakes throwing herself off the bridge so he doesn't shoot Tanya, instead hanging off the bottom of the bridge to follow them along as they hijack another car. She then, a perfectly normal human (if one trained by Batman) chases down a car in streets that are shown to be more or less empty. Though to be fair she does call Power Girl for a pickup.

Kara however is busy spinning up the turbines of the power station, which is both amazing and goofy at the same time! It's mostly so Huntress has to do their own plot, but it's still an amazing moment of Pee Gee helping to fix the harm she (most probably) caused.

Actually, Pee Gee is out for most of the story, or technically in her own subplot, as she helps the power station by lifting out some of the nuclear reactor's fuel rods. Apparently, the chief engineer looked up Power Girl's wiki page, which is somehow so 2010s, to see if she's immune to nuclear radiation. Apparently, she is and does the job, but that puts her out of the story until the well end.

Meanwhile, Tanya 2.0 escapes the terrorist being winged by a bullet as she does so before he makes his way from the underground levels to the park. Huntress has a brief interaction before chasing him up to the surface. Dodging gunfire she disarms him, with rocks (because she's that cool), leaving him to threaten her with the nuclear material he recovered earlier, Apparently, this has taken all night as it's now dawn.

They fight as the bottle flies away and begins to unscrew, but as disaster is about to strike Tanya scoops up the bottle and makes it safe again.

Just as I've used up my legally allowed use of apparently Pee Gee turns up, now things are safe, to take all three of them to be decontaminated.

Final Thoughts
But I hear you say, that a complete two-part story right? Well yes, and it's a solid complete two-part tale, but it's also part of the final four issues that lead to the Tanya Spears we know and Pee Gee and Huntress returning to Earth 2. Maybe it's because I'm covering them together, it might be different if I hadn't read them as a lump but as distinct issues.

And everyone here is great, Huntress gets to be awesome, Pee Gee gets to do goofy superhero stuff (as low stakes as you can get with a potential nuclear meltdown) with lots of Kirby crackly, and Tanya shows that she's more than capable and potentially destined to be a superhero!

It's obvious here that they're setting Tanya up for something, and previews were apparently coming out at the time, but for most readers, I wonder if they knew quite what the journey was going to be!


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