Punchvergance - Convergence: Action Comics #2


Convergence: Action Comics #2

Cover Date: July 2015
Released: 27th May 2015

We are now in the punching part of the story!

And as a long time reader of this blog, I'm sure at least one person is paying attention, fight scenes are not my most favourite parts of the comic. And they're really, really difficult to describe using text.

We start with Kara and Andrew sharing a moment, and a kiss before Kara flies off to fight for the city. And even though I'm not the biggest fan of the relationship, and the fact she and supes flew off the last issue it's actually a really sweet scene. I'm also contractually obliged to mention this is the only time we actually see the two kiss each other. 

Whilst Huntress gets the cool fight with Superman and meets Soviet Batman (the art is a little fuzzy but great story, how it fits with Earth-2 canon is a different story. If enough people are interested I'll do my summary/review type thing) Power Girl just gets a dogfight in the air with Soviet Wonder WOman which goes as well as you'd expect with a Kryptonian. There is a moment when Kara realises the plane is about to crash into troops on the ground and is about to save them before they shoot the plane down (it's a little unclear) so she instead rescues Diana who doesn't seem to be able to fly in this version. There's also a neat moment where Kara recognizes Wonder Woman, which is neat as Earth-1 Wonder Woman is probably the character Kara has met the most across the books (more than Earth-2's).

Anyway obviously Wonder Woman uses it to deck Kara and the fights continue, cutting back to Lex using GI Bots to finally overthrow Starlin, which lasts for pages until suddenly our (Earth-2) Superman just turns up and ends the fight (with a punch) and talks Diana around to not fighting, despite Kara been very keen to finish the fight. It feels very old All-Star Power Girl with her anger issues, compared to the calmer Auntie of Infinty Inc. I mean it's a byproduct of character written as a memory of a character, rather than how the character was written at the time. It's actually a mash-up of the old All-Star comic and the '09 version, who has a lot more humour in her than before.

And we finally get the two stories joined together with the three heroes meeting up with Lex and stopping them from nuking Metropolis and declaring peace between the two to fight whoever is pulling the strings here. Kara and Clark go back to say goodbye to their respected partners before flying off to get involved with the plot proper.

Power Girl doesn't appear in the main story at all, well one scene showing Earth-2, even though we have two Supergirls who see variations of themselves. 

Convergence is a mixed bag, but it's the Crisis that I followed, so it's got a soft spot for me, it might not have had much of an impact on the DC Universe but it's a mostly entertaining read. And of them all, I think these two are the ones I've gone back to the most. To be fair it's because I now own them in physical media (this blog has a lot to answer for :D ). but it was a favourite before that fact.


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