Not so secret origins - Teen Titans (Vol 5) #6

Human Resources, part 2

Teen Titans #6
Cover Date: March 2015
Released: 21st January 2015

We start where we left off with Tanya holding up the truck and the Titan's seem suitably impressed with her sudden appearance. She then get's to show her strength by punching out the other side hulking powerhouse, still playing, on the whole, her being underestimated. With a whole page splash panel to boot. The fight is then quickly finished off and the Titans, plus Tanya, teleport to Beast Boy's and Bunker's apartment the Titans's not having a suitably themed headquarters yet.

Here we get Tanya telling her backstory, about how this version of Power Girl granted her some of her powers before leaving for Earth-2. but not before totally legitimately passing on the legal name of Power Girl, apparently with the proper paperwork and everything. We get also get that she worked for Kara's company Starr Industries, with an aside to make them distinctive from STAR Labs. And that her mother Sonya was killed during an attack by Desaad. It's a pretty solid recap of her origins, I'll admit it's been a while so I'd forgotten all but the main beats so the summary was pretty handy.

She then declares that they're doing all this hero stuff wrong and should be more proactive in their activities, understandable what with her mother's tragic death and all. We then get a back and forward with Red Robin, the current leader, being fine with the whole setup as are the other boys, whilst Cassie is on Team Tanya and the two of them go off to get some air. Raven doesn't seem to have an opinion either way, weirdly.

Talking of Raven we then cut to the band that Raven previously went and watched at a club, a plot beat so important that I missed mentioning them completely when they appeared last issue. They're massive Raven-stan's and during the fight recorded some of Raven's spell casting, when they play it back they briefly summon up some kind of demon, a plot I'm sure will come up at a later date...

Cassie arrives at her apartment, Tanya in arms, does a quick promo for Hero drink (we're talking Youtube influencer subtle with the made-up drink being everywhere) before Manchester Black turns up at her door. In a startling bit of good timing, he's basically asking for their help because he's afraid that something bad might happen soon and needs help sorting it out.

To move forward on the plot we're focussing on so far Gar is still snooping around STAR Lab's, in mouse form, when he's caught by the sites janitor. The poor guy gets shot by some goon's and Gar takes the time to carry the guy safely outside the facility, which is luck as the bad guys explode a fission device, some sort of super-science (in this case) explosion device. All the while Manchester Black narration talk's about a possible attack on the facility until they see the mushroom cloud of the explosion they cause. We then end on some masked figures in what appears to be a massive chamber inside the STAR Labs.

It's kind of ironic that this issue like Infinity Inc is juggling a large number of plots and sub-plot throughout this issue, really it's channelling the characters from the last issue into the next story (and possibly those beyond that). Unlike the older comic it seems to do a much better job of handling this, I think it's because it doesn't have to set up so much backstory as most of the characters at this point are well known (only the new Tanya gets and pages on her origin). It could also be I'm just more used to the more modern style of storytelling, not that I dislike either comic it's just an easier read.


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