Who's Who #18

Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #18

I was never into Who's Who when I was a wee Symbol, though I do for some reason have a complete set of Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe. 

(As a quick aside being the weird-ass person I am almost all the Sci-fi and Superhero properties from that era I'm now into I discovered first through RPG's, no relevance but I thought worth mentioning.)

But to tease a little I'll reveal why the Who's Who holds a special place for me with the next issue.

Still as cute as the art is, and all the surprint images are from the Power Girl mini if you're interested, it's kind of a shame that a solid decade of character growth and change is reduced down to just a couple of paragraphs. Even worse most of the fluff is about her coming to Earth with only the last two paragraphs covering her times as a superhero.


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