Power Girls Costumes - Pre Crisis

 The Costume of Power Girl (1976 - 1986)

The Classic Costume (All-Star #58 to #63)

Wally Wood gave Power Girl the boob windowed leotard that is now what most people consider her classic look.

By Issue #59 the single clasp for her cloak is altered to two clasps stays, a look that stays with the costume through her entire Pre-Crisis run.

No Boob Window (All-Star #64 to #68)

Obviously, the powers at having noticed just how busty our hero looked, though her chest didn't get bigger over the issues despite the myths. So they just covered up the boob window but kept the costume as is. Though it's telling that before the edict to cover up Kara is often drawn showing only above the window, except generally in long shots. Though also immediately we get many more full body shots including a predominance of butt shots.

For her first story, she doesn't have the red belt she normally wears, though it's back in the next story and stays for the rest of its brief run. Though for some reason the belt is blue all through issue #67.

Scalloped topped (All-Star #69 to Infinity Inc #30)

Despite what some might say this is her most classic costume, lasting from 1977 to 1990. With a few blips along the way, like her being in her original costume in Wonder Woman #274.

It's also the only costume to be deliberately introduced in the story, with her covered up costume being destroyed at the start of the issue and her turning up at the end in this new costume, We'll ignore that she spent most of the issue in hospital and Superman must have dressed her in this costume before smashing through the wall to save the day...


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