Just friends being friends - Wonder Woman #276

 A Friend in Need

Wonder Woman #276
Cover Date: February 1981
Released: 13th November 1980

It seems the catch was a little premature as we get a repeat of the catch and the mention of Helena's name, Helena decides to take Sim's home whilst Power Girl decides to check back on the DA's office.

Now confession time here, but with little or no real evidence, which is the standard for such things, I get these vibes that Kara is gay or at least bi. It helps that thanks to the format of the comic we haven't really gotten to see any of Kara's private life except with Helena. To my baby shipper brains it looks like Kara is upset that Helena has feelings for Harry. I'm sure that it's not quite what the author had in mind but it's how I like to read it, and you are of cause welcome to read it as just friends being mardy with each other. 

Back to the plot and Kara find that Sim seems to be signing the vignette suppression into law, it is obviously the Thinker pretending to be the DA and he quickly put the mind whammy on Kara as well. We then cut back to Helena looking after Harry at her house, with Carole (from #274) turning up and about to confess to Helena whatever is bothering her, but leaves when she sees the woman with Sim's. I guess this story will pick up later but for now, it's a story for another time.

To finish off this issue we get the controlled Kara fighting Helena, under the control of the Thinker. Luckily the control helmet was damaged and through the efforts of Huntress, she manages to throw Power Girl into the Thinker causing the helmet to fly off. Kara then quickly destroys the helmet and the threat of the Thinker is now done for the rest of the Bronze Age!

In a line that is only amusing nowadays, for all the wrong reason, Helena need to sort out this Identity Crisis, whilst Power Girl only has to deal with the press! This unfortunately is where Power Girl leaves Helena's story as the Huntress carries on to (mostly) solo stories.

It's a solid ending that suffers a little from the limited page space, the brief breeze style worked for the buildup but the battle between Kara and Helena really needs more than one and a half pages to wrap up. Though I don't plan to now, so much Power Girl still to go, but I'd like to come back to see how the story wraps up. And we've not yet finished with the Wonder Woman comic!

  Writers: Paul Levitz  Pencilers: Joe Staton  Inkers: Steve Mitchell  
⋅ Colourists: Adrienne Roy  Letterers: John Costanza  Editors: Len Wein  


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