J'Accuse - Justice League of America #172

Justice League of America #172
Cover Dated: November 1979
Released: 9th August 1979

We start with an amazing splash page that basically sums up the murder mystery aspects, someone on the JSA or JLA murdered Mister Terrific! A few pages later we get a fuller summary of the last issue, but Huntress no less, hammering home the tragedy of the whole thing. Helena is definitely showing she inherited her dad's detective chops here. Fate and the Lanterns lock the station down with magic and we're away with the mystery part of the story.

Supes is obviously ahead of me as he puts Bruce and Helena on the case of working out who did the murder. And we get a real investigation here with the fact that Mr Terrific last words about someone being a traitor being fully examined, then an examination of the scene and evidence being recovered. I'm not sure you could work it all out from the clues but it's nice that they spend time going over the whole procedure of things. Huntress is looking up info on the satellite's computer when it exploded seriously injuring her just when she'd put together the clues about the device stolen by the Spirit King. Oh and halfway through we get our first line from Kara as she clears away wreckage from the explosion, so far it's been just a few random headshots here and there of Power girl.

Speaking of whilst Power Girl is cradling her wounded lover friend Batman says that the metal was busted with super-strength, which the previous comic even suggested by leaving her off-frame when the decompression happened before Bruce dismisses it as too obvious. He then lays out the evidence of why it's a speedster and reveals that its Garrick Flash that's holding the spirit of the Spirit King! I promise I didn't read ahead to call the whole possession angle, or google or any obvious way to determine the plot of the comic.

The Spirit King then zips away into the teleporter back to Earth-2, and that it as next issue is the last JSA issue that isn't one of these crossovers! We even get a honest to god freeze-frame laugh about how the JLA will get off the station.

It's not a good issue for Power Girl, she gets two lines tops, but it's a decent murder mystery that actually takes the time to explain everything going down. An enjoyable crossover even if its a terrible Power Girl issue!


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