Frog men from the center of the Earth - All-Star Comics 67


Attack of the Underlord

All-Star Comics #67
Cover Dated: July / August 1977 
Released: 26th April 1977

Holy retcon Power Girl! Instead of just falling into a pit it seems the three, Power girl, Starman and Wildcat, get dragged down the pit though Power Girl says it was her idea before using one of those cool cloak clasps to call for help.

We get some classic bickering between Kara and Wildcat before she just goes all-in and starts beating up the little green aliens, even having a good go at the big bad before the to men get in the way and getting them all knockout.

Fate has a quick aside to chastise Bruce for giving up the hero business to be the Commissioner. Its also laying the groundwork that some of the JSA have been acting out of characters, more plot for the future.

Whilst the Flash and Hawkman just get themselves almost instantly captured. Power Girl, rightly really, get all pissed that everyone gets upset that she bought everyone down the pit and getting them capture. Angry enough to smash out of the metal prison they were in to go round two with the next big bad.

Star-spangled Kid (who I may have called Starman once or twice) and Wildcat decide to help Power Girl, whilst Flash and Hawkman decide (briefly thankfully) to let her stuffer her own fate. Power Girl was apparently evenly matched with the big bad and it looks like she's about to lose when the other two show up to help, with Star-spangled Kid thrown away apparently this death. It's the final straw and Kara loses it to finally defeat the big bad. Before breaking down at the apparent loss of her teammate, finally showing that she genuinely cares about the others.

Hey maybe they'll all start working together as a team!


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