Medieval yeeting - All Star Comics 64

Yesterday Begins Today!

All-Star Comics #64
Cover Dated: January / February 1977
Released: 21st October 1976

So now is the time we talk about the boob story! As the story goes the artist Wally Wood increased the size of Power Girls breasts seeing how long it was before DC told him to stop it. A good basic summary can be found here and here, and its a good Youtube channel in general. And as they spend a good page pointing out she's closed off her boob window its probably a sign that something was said about them about her costume. It's also probably the first time it's bought up about her not having a symbol, in that classic grumpy Kara way. It's also Star Spangled Kid so I can claim a synergy with the new Star Girl series, maybe we'll eventually get Power Girl in the series! (yeah I know but I can dream)

Its also a point were it seems that even Kara figures she's gone to far when after dissing Starey Supers of all people just says proved herself and just let up a little bit. Apart from the Green Lantern trying to save his company and Hourman feeling put out for being left behind, before falling to the Injustice League's Icicle (another Star Girl reference, as if I planned it!), the rest of the comic is set in the past of Ancient Camelot. 

As well as a pretty nifty medieval costume for Kara she does pretty well yeeting a man into a lake for trying to capture her as a damsel in distress and figuring out that the invasion, of Romans no less, are a robotic distraction before Cool-aiding through the castle walls to face the fake Merlin and Arthur.

Where its finally revealed that this Arthur is actually Vandal Savage, who's apparently lost his immortality and plan to drain the life force from Superman and Power Girl to gain it back.

Apart from the attempts to hip to the times, something I'm just as guilty off right now, this is a pretty solid comic and I look forward to the next part of the story.


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