Because magic! - All-Star Comics 63

The Death of Doctor Fate

All-Star Comics #63
Cover Dated: November / December 1976
Released: 24th August 1976

A lot happening here in our little All Star Soap, and very little of it is about Power Girl, but lets try and give a little summary.

Fiddler has Wildcat beat up Hawkman, its looks like Ted was an early adopter of MMA as he thinks he's in the ring and I'm pretty sure a choke hold isn't allowed in boxing. When the fight over he regains some of senses he has to fight Grundy who's in full Grundy smash mode. Until in a Deus ex Kryptonian we get the first appearance of Kara, and Clark, who literally pick up Grundy and throw him into a handy nearby volcano. Guess the sun was to far to throw him today!

Meanwhile Dr Fate apparently breathes his last whist the rest of the team try to find a way to help him. Until the big bad does a things, that causes something to happen and he wakes up - because Magic!

Then this unbeatable big bad goes back into storage, because you guessed it Magic.

The good thing to end, and for bonus a Power Girl scene, old Superman retires from the JSA and puts her forward as a permanent member. Even Kara is to shocked to be rude about it, well mostly not rude about it.

Its a little Kara light but not a terrible issue, onward to the next one!


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