Crisis of (in)Finate Power Girls

So with the Arrowverse Crisis between episodes it seems to be a good time to talk about one of the weirdest fact about Power Girl and Crisis, she might be the one character that’s survived from them all to the almost present day. Let me explain.

Power Girl original started on Earth-2 but around 1985 DC decided that they wanted to simplify a multiverse and so we’ve got Crisis on Infinite Earths., as I’m sure everyone reading is aware. The upshot was that we were Kara short and Power Girl was part of the New Earth.

Everyone was rebooted, except Batman because he’s Batman, and because as for some reason you couldn’t have both a Last Son and Daughter of Krypton Kara became an Atlantean. And as stupid as that was that would have been that, but DC wasn’t done having Crisises.

Infinite Crisis not only sensibly gave her back her Earth-2 origin it also killed off the last remaining pre-Crisis heroes meaning that she was the last hero from the original universe. And before anyone leaves me a comment, if I get any comments :D , I know about Psycho-Pirate the other survivor of the multiverse.

As so it was that she survived right up to Flashpoint where the universe was again rebooted and a new Power Girl again from Earth-2, and I guess at that point the run of the original Power Girl was at an end.

But as weird reality altering things have been on since Rebirth, so you never know...


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