Dissolving Deconstructo - Justice League Europe #38
DISSOLVING DECONSTRUCTO JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #38 Published: 31ST March 1992 Cover Date: May 1992 Cover Artists: Ron Randall / Randy Elliott Penciler: Ron Randall Inker: Randy Elliott Colourist: Gene D'Angelo Letterer: Willie Schubert Editors: Brian Augustyn Introduction The hardest types of comics to talk about aren't the bad ones, they at least have something to complain about, it's the ones that are meh. And that's not an excuse for the rather sparse posting recently, though it probably didn't help, but this issue is twenty-odd pages of a single plot point. Plot Synopsis We open straight from the last issue with our heroes saying that they must take down the villain, whilst Batman wants to watch and learn about his powers. Pee Gee is again the impulsive hothead more ready to punch things than to think about how to deal with problems. Then we're back to the question of who will be the leader, with Power Girl pitch...