
Trinity #16

    Trinity #16 Brave Men and Woman October 2008 In 2008 DC rebooted its entire universe, only to switch it back only a year later without any mention! Instead of the JSA protecting humanity from supervillains instead the Justice Society International (obviously a nod to the JLI) does that job as some of the founding members of the JLA no longer exist causing this entire timeline to come into existence! More people need to be made aware of this lost DC Universe!

What Matters Most - Aquaman #7

   Aquaman #7 What Matters Most June 1992 The comic is an amazing story of Aquaman recovering from a psychotic break after the death of his son. But that had nothing to do with Pee Gee's appearance, just showing that he's joined the current JLE, though he lacks the Tom Jones looks of that comic.

Changing - Justice League Europe #37

CHANGING JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE #37 Published: 17 th March 1992 Cover Date: April 1992 Cover Artists:   Ron Randall / Murphy Anderson / Bob LeRose Writer:   Penciler:  Ron Randall Inker:   Randy Elliott Colourist:   Gene D'Angelo Letterer:   Willie Schubert Editors:   Brian Augustyn Introduction Today I learned two new words reading this comic, which is good as if shows that comics can be educational. This sounds like I'm about to say this because there's nothing else good about this comic, which surprisingly I'm not, though it's not as simple as you'd first expect! Plot Sypnosis We start with a full page of cheesecake as Kimiyo (Doctor Light), who for some reason is in just a towel is zipping up Power Girl's new costume. Ralph, who seems to be innocent here rather than a letch, has the door slammed in his face for looking in on the scene. He then talks to Sue who seems to have been put in charge as they explain that this "new" JLE is being launched

World's End? - Worlds' Finest #26

WORLD'S END? WORLDS' FINEST #26 Published:  13th August 2014 Cover Date:  October 2014 Cover Artists:   Tyler Kirkham / Jason Wright Writer:  Paul Levitz / Scott Kolins Penciler:  Tyler Kirkham Inker:   Joe Weems Colourist:   Arif Prianto Letterer:   Travis Lanham Editors:   Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Anthony Marques Introduction It seems appropriate, if I admit a tad slight, that today of all days (a leap day) we should talk about a character who if had been created during a leap year she wouldn't have made it long past her first (fourth) birthday. For the final day of Tanya month, we finally get the Tanya that everyone (who cares) would consider the "real" Tanya! Sypnosis We start on Earth 2, or Earth-2 apparently, with Pee Gee and Huntress looking upon a massive wormhole over a city. Huntress is not keep on being used as canon fodder, whilst Pee Gee seems quite keen to get into action. Especially when she sees what she assumes is Kal-El (as the cover spoile

Farewells - Worlds' Finest #25

  FAREWELLS WORLDS' FINEST #25 Published:  9th July 2014 Cover Date:  September 2014 Cover Artists:   Stephen Segovia / Michael Atiyeh Writer:  Paul Levitz Penciler:  Tyler Kirkham Inker:   Joe Weems / Art Thibert Colourist:   Arif Prianto Letterer:   Taylor Esposito Editors:   Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Anthony Marques Introduction If you've been paying attention it's obvious that this comic is going through some changes, because it does something that most ongoing don't do it (spoilers) wraps up the major part of the comic, Power Girl and Huntress get to go home! Sypnosis We start with Kara returning from a night out to Helena enjoying some cupcakes, They have some banter, including Helena pinning Kara's towel (she's changed into it as they talk) to the wall with a fork, as we learn they're ready to go home and Helena isn't quite as keen on returning as Kara. It nicely sums up the more fun lovely Pee Gee compared to the more reserved, and resigned,

I Must Be Going, Part Two - Worlds' Finest #24

I MUST BE GOING, PART TWO WORLDS' FINEST #24 Published:  11th June 2014 Cover Date:  August 2014 Cover Artists:   Barry Kitson / Jason Wright Writer:  Paul Levitz Penciler:  Scott McDaniel Inker:   Scott McDaniel Colourist:   Jason Wright Letterer:   Taylor Esposito Editors:   Eddie Berganza / Mike Cotton / Anthony Marques Introduction Comics need more goofy superheroics! Personally, I feel that sometimes the desire to be more grounded and realistic denies the fun that comics can be. Not deep I know but this is a middle, and awesome middle, but really there's not much depth to discuss here! Sypnosis We open on a splash page that picks up from the last issue with the terrorist holding Tanya at gunpoint whilst Huntress, with amazing capeage, stands on summarizing the plot. Helena fakes throwing herself off the bridge so he doesn't shoot Tanya, instead hanging off the bottom of the bridge to follow them along as they hijack another car. She then, a perfectly normal human (if o

I Must Be Going, Part One - Worlds' Finest #23

I MUST BE GOING, PART ONE WORLDS' FINEST #23 Published:  14th May 2014 Cover Date:  July 2014 Cover Artists:   Barry Kitson / Jason Wright Writer:  Paul Levitz Penciler:  R.B. Silva / Yildiray Cinar Inker:   Joe Weems / Yildiray Cinar Colourist:   Jason Wright Letterer:   Carlos M. Mangual Editors:   Mike Cotton Introduction After a brief hiatus, we're returning to Tanya, and it's a little bit of a cheat, we're looking at her first appearance in the pages of Worlds' Finest so it includes (a) Power Girl as well. And it's a fascinating look at how the character evolves and changes, even over the four issues of this comic. Synopsis After finding and being denied a way home Power Girl is having none of it so she's gathered some of the brightest minds to a Starr lab at Cambridge, Massachusetts (near MIT for non-Americans like me). From the splash page, she's pulling no punches lifting heavy machinery around to prove that she's superpowered then welding wi