Even More Numbers!
A quick post about how many times Power Girl has appeared since her first appearance back in 1975! She has appeared every year since her introduction and, if my maths is right, (discounting reprints) she has appeared just over one thousand times as of this post. Her least number of appearances was two, in the first years of her introduction (1975), with her only appearing three times in 1981 and 2019. Her most appearances in a single year is 2007 with 63 appearances. Likewise, her busiest decade was 2000-2009 with 307 appearances, her quietest was 1975-1979 with only 33. Her first full decade (1980-1989) was only 103 appearances. Okay here's the deep weed nerdy stuff: Pre-Crisis she appeared between 85 and 91 times depending on which you consider which in those fuzzy just-post-crisis days. (85 is if you count to just the Crisis issues, 91 if you count until her revamped background in Secret Origins #11). Post-Crisis she appeared 660 times (if you take the lowest pre-crisis figure)...