
Showing posts with the label JLA

Fighty, fight, fight - Justice League of America #148

Crisis in Triplicate Justice League of America #148 Cover Dated:  November 1977 Released:  4th August 1977 Just in case it isn't obvious there is a lot of fighting in this issue, and however hard you try describing people punching isn't as easy as just letting thing just wash over you. It doesn't help that with three teams pummeling each other it's difficult to keep a track of everyone. After the first few pages summing up the last issue (every issue being someones first etc, etc) we get the demons three just taking over. They have the Legion take Mordu, now excess to this story, back to its physical body. Didn't you know Mordu was in an Astral form the whole time? That's good neither did we! The demon then have a falling out over ideological reasons, no really, apparently, humanity in the 30th century is too pure now and whilst one want to just destroy it all another is after wealth. They try a quick standoff but their powers cancel each other out so they decid

Bell, Wheel and Frog - Justice League of America #147

Crisis in the 30th Century Justice League of America #147 Cover Dated: October 1977 Released: 28th June 1977 So it seems Psycho Pirate isn't important at all, just a reason for the League and Society to get together and have general cross over shenanigans. This follows what must be the briefest explanation of Earth-1 and Earth-2, with just two panels explaining the concept. And as is traditional the two flashes are used to explain the concept. Talking of I'll use the first name to help with duplicate super identities, so we have Scott Lantern and Hal Lantern, Barry Flash and Garrick Flash. Our first appearance of Power Girl is erm worrying, what with her openly flirting with Earth-1 Superman, and that's now me interpreting something more innocent its implicitly called out it the comic itself. And I guess they're not really cousins if a different dimension is involved? Though the supergirl calls out is still a little awkward especially as they mention how more grown-up P