
Showing posts with the label Earth-1

Ride of the (mini) Valkyries - Justice League of America #184

Apokolips Now Justice League of America #184 Cover Date:  November 1980 Released:  14th August 1980 A very pop art opening splash page reminds us that we're on Apokolips where Darkseid is being raised from his trapping in the Source Wall. We then get another splash page of Darkseid before we're right into the action with Power Girl, Firestorm and Orion attacking the Injustice Society. For once the fight goes pretty well for our heroes, with most of the bad guys getting taken down pretty quickly. And for once Kara gets some great moments, including to frame of both her and Orion attacking Icicle from different angels as he says "Oh no!" at both, only for them both to go "Oh yes!". We also get a frame of her flirting? or just bantering with Firestorm that's he's being "cute". Alas, the Fiddler plays a tune and the heroes see their worst fears, which for Power Girl is being tickled by lasers of something. Meanwhile, Superman, Wonder Woman and

Apokolips Rising! - Justice League of America #183

Where Have All the New Gods Gone? Justice League of America #183 Cover Date:  October 1980 Released:  10th July 1980 Welcome to the 80s! It's been almost a year since the last time Power Girl appeared, it won't be the longest gap between appearances (by a long shot) but it is the first break that happened. Though to be fair, both All-Star Comics and Adventure was both bi-monthly so it wasn't a constant thing month to month. Still, Kara will now have an almost constant run right the way through the eighties. After our one page summary of Earth-1 and Earth-2, we get a glorious two-page splash of the two teams arriving on what happens to be New Genesis. We then get this weird page where Supes explains to Power Girl how he feels a misfit on Earth, but here on New Genesis, he feels among equals. The bit I do get is that he stays on Earth because it's his responsibility to help protect humanity. Obviously feeling left out, Wonder Woman goes on a mini-rant about the only god s

J'Accuse - Justice League of America #172

  I Accuse... Justice League of America #172 Cover Dated: November 1979 Released: 9th August 1979 We start with an amazing splash page that basically sums up the murder mystery aspects, someone on the JSA or JLA murdered Mister Terrific! A few pages later we get a fuller summary of the last issue, but Huntress no less, hammering home the tragedy of the whole thing. Helena is definitely showing she inherited her dad's detective chops here. Fate and the Lanterns lock the station down with magic and we're away with the mystery part of the story. Supes is obviously ahead of me as he puts Bruce and Helena on the case of working out who did the murder. And we get a real investigation here with the fact that Mr Terrific last words about someone being a traitor being fully examined, then an examination of the scene and evidence being recovered. I'm not sure you could work it all out from the clues but it's nice that they spend time going over the whole procedure of things. Hunt

Satellite Meet Cute - Justice League of America #171

The Murderer Among Us: Crisis Above Earth-One Justice League of America #171 Cover Dated: October 1979 Released: 5th July 1979   From the very splash page, we know what we're getting, a murder mystery in space! (I mean also the cover but you know what I mean). We then get to the classic one-page sum up of Earth-1 and Earth-2, with the two apparently having some kind of yearly meeting alongside saving the universe. It would explain how each other Earths knows about the other villains but they must be pretty tedious things. Luckily we miss the meeting and cut to the after-party and we have to talk about Zatana's outfit. When she joined ten issues ago in #161 she when from her classic suit to a catsuit and Dracula cape, along with her hair tied way up. It's one of those costumes that if I didn't know who it was I'd be perfectly fine, and to be honest I didn't recognize her until she was identified by Power Girl of all people. Oh, and it's not the costume of Ide

Fighty, fight, fight - Justice League of America #148

Crisis in Triplicate Justice League of America #148 Cover Dated:  November 1977 Released:  4th August 1977 Just in case it isn't obvious there is a lot of fighting in this issue, and however hard you try describing people punching isn't as easy as just letting thing just wash over you. It doesn't help that with three teams pummeling each other it's difficult to keep a track of everyone. After the first few pages summing up the last issue (every issue being someones first etc, etc) we get the demons three just taking over. They have the Legion take Mordu, now excess to this story, back to its physical body. Didn't you know Mordu was in an Astral form the whole time? That's good neither did we! The demon then have a falling out over ideological reasons, no really, apparently, humanity in the 30th century is too pure now and whilst one want to just destroy it all another is after wealth. They try a quick standoff but their powers cancel each other out so they decid

Bell, Wheel and Frog - Justice League of America #147

Crisis in the 30th Century Justice League of America #147 Cover Dated: October 1977 Released: 28th June 1977 So it seems Psycho Pirate isn't important at all, just a reason for the League and Society to get together and have general cross over shenanigans. This follows what must be the briefest explanation of Earth-1 and Earth-2, with just two panels explaining the concept. And as is traditional the two flashes are used to explain the concept. Talking of I'll use the first name to help with duplicate super identities, so we have Scott Lantern and Hal Lantern, Barry Flash and Garrick Flash. Our first appearance of Power Girl is erm worrying, what with her openly flirting with Earth-1 Superman, and that's now me interpreting something more innocent its implicitly called out it the comic itself. And I guess they're not really cousins if a different dimension is involved? Though the supergirl calls out is still a little awkward especially as they mention how more grown-up P