
Showing posts from October, 2024

Justice League America #93 - The Baby Hunt

  THE BABY HUNT Justice League America #93 Published:  28th September 1994 Cover Date:  November 1994 Penciler:  Chuck Wojtkiewicz Inker:   Bob Dvorak Editors:   Brian Augustyn / Ruben Diaz Introduction Ironically I'm just a month shy of this issue coming out thirty years ago. As well as making us I'm sure all feel old (the '90s were just yesterday wasn't it?), it's amazing how different things were back then.  It also means that the baby story picks up almost straight away, and it continues for eight more issues! Luckily we can skim some of them but this is the first one that suggests something special is going on! Plot Synopsis We pick up with a full-page spread of the new team. After Zero Hour we had a new team from the combined members from all the previous versions. The Justice League International/Europe is now dead and gone! Currently, the team is Wonder Woman (the leader), The Flash, Hawkman, Metamorpho, Fire, Crimson Fox, Obsidian and Nuklon. Power Girl i

Let's talk about the Baby - Prologue

What's better for this spooky month than to deal with a little body horror! Time to deal with that storyline, the one where a blonde powerhouse of a hero becomes pregnant with a mystery baby. As this is a Power Girl blog it's not Avengers #200, but from a complicated series of events, that started in Justice League Europe #51. Unlike the before mentioned Marvel Comics, it's not a one-and-done, but a series of events that kinda/sorta starts in the last issue of JLE #51. The Ice Breaks Justice League Europe #50 (May 1993) Technically this isn't anything to do with mystery baby but it quite obviously shows what was originally planned. It's a massive event comic with the JLE and JLA, with a brief appearance of the JSA, where a villain called Sonar has captured and brainwashed a vast number of the JLE and his attack has caused Hal Jordan to lose his memory. In a fight with Sonar Power Girl tricks the villain into dropping a building on them relying on Hal to provide a pr